
This is a download page for the manuals that can be provided to trainers and trainees when a new training course is organised. The manuals consist of several types of information: the presentation slides, a brief textual description of each topic, a longer description of some of the topics, and a number of background materials.

Trainer/Trainee Manuals for User Representatives

The manuals for user reprentatives consists of the following parts:

Download the Trainer Manual for End Users (PDF file, 5.2 megabyte), Trainee Manual for End Users (PDF file, 4.1 megabyte).

Trainer/Trainee Manuals for Committee Members in Standardisation

The manuals for committee members consists of the following parts:

Download the Trainer Manual for Committee Members in Standardisation (PDF file, 4.2 megabyte), Trainee Manual for Committee Members in Standardisation (PDF file, 3.5 megabyte).